Two to Flower/Floreciendo de a dos
Installation, Creative Process
How do I approach my artistic venture?
1- Research
In Two to Flower, I learned about the Guaraní indigenous culture of Paraguay.
I based my work on the legend of The Ñandutí, which tells the story of two warriors who in order to conquest Samimbí’s heart struggle to gift her a silver-lace spider web.
2- Playing with Prototypes
I experiment with sketches, blueprints, and mockups until the piece speaks deeply to me. By allowing curiosity to guide me, I welcome surprises. In Two to Flower, I made room for viewers' participation by adding a section of spider-webs where participants are invited to place caught treasures and make their own contribution.
3- Printing
Once the materials, colors, shapes, and sizes are fine-tuned, I play loud music in my studio and roll!
4- Installing
Installers or volunteers help me mount an exhibition or installation.
In Two to Flower, farm volunteers worked hard to dig holes in the ground, to have a safe and weatherproof exhibit.
And now the installation is ready to have a life of its own. It belongs to you, the viewers, and the participants!!!
El proceso creativo de la instalación
¿Cómo enfoco mi trabajo artístico?
1- Investigación
En Floreciendo de a dos , estudié la cultura indígena Guaraní de Paraguay. Basé mi arte en la leyenda de El Ñandutí, que cuenta la historia de dos guerreros que para conquistar el corazón de la hermosa Samimbí luchan por obsequiarle una telaraña que se ve como un encaje de plata.
2- Armado de Prototipos
Manipulo bocetos, dibujos y maquetas. Dejo que la curiosidad me guíe y me sorprenda hasta que la obra me parece terminada. En esta instalación, me permití agregar al grabado un espacio con telas de arañas para que los visitantes participen activamente dejando ver la naturaleza atrapada en las telas de araña.
3- Grabado
Una vez que los materiales, colores, formas y tamaños están resueltos, pongo música a todo volumen y trabajo en la monoimpresión de grabados en mi estudio.
4- Instalación
Instaladores y voluntarios me ayudan a montar una exposición o instalación. En Floreciendo de a dos, voluntarios de la granja cavaron hoyos profundos para que los postes queden seguros a la intemperie. Y ahora la obra tiene vida propia y está lista para que vos interactúes con ella!
Brandeis University
Artist Sandra Mayo brings participatory installation to the launching of JOTA, Brandeis University initiative on academic research and cultural programs on the Jews of the Americas. Participants reflected on the meaning of diaspora, family trajectories and push and pull reasons for migration.
Kwibuka 29, Remember, Unite, Renew
In April 1994, a genocide against the Tutsi erupted in Rwanda, with neighbor turning on neighbor, family turning on family. At the 29th Rwandan’s genocide memorial day commemoration in Massachusetts, I presented a participatory art installation and invited the Rwandan community to share the names and love messages of lost brothers and sisters.
Tangram, fragments of current times
We have been in crisis mode for the past 2 years. Collectively we shared a tremendous amount of grief, loss and stress stemming from the pandemic, racial and political tension and more. We have been exhausted by anxiety, depression, illness and isolation. To move forward together, we must understand what has happened to us and begin to heal. This participatory installation, is allowing us to do just that!