We Wish You Were Here: Embroideries and Prints of Life and Loss, October 2023
Histories of Consequence, February 2020, Watson Institute for International Affairs, Brown University, RI
Video Gallery
What Goes Around Comes Around (EN)
The Widening Gap (EN)
Despacito (EN)
Red Line (EN)
What Goes Around Comes Around (ES)
The Widening Gap (ES)
Despacito (ES)
Red Line (ES)
Mapping Stories (EN)
Inside and Out (EN)
Exodus (EN)
Weisz Installation (EN)
Mapping Stories (ES)
Inside and Out (ES)
Exodus (ES)
Weisz Installation (ES)
Artist Talk
Click at the image to see the video presentation.
Artist Sandra Mayo Interview | JLive | Jewish Arts Collaborative
To learn more about Genograms https://www.sandramayo.com/events/2019/1/21/about-genograms