
“Two to Flower" Art Installation

Join us for a celebration of art on the farm at a Lemonade Social hosted by LexFarm and Munroe Center for the Arts. 

Interact with local artist Sandra Mayo's art, installed in the flower field. Create your own gelli prints with Printmaker Marina Strauss.

Sandra's project is partially funded by the Arlington Cultural Council. The remaining support will come from the sale of Mayo's art in the farm stand and her studio.

From July 20 - October 30, 2023
Opening July 20, 6-8pm at LexFarm -


Sandra's Inspiration for Her Art Installation: Two to Flower

The farm has become a sacred and healing space for my soul, particularly during the pandemic. As I observed insects, flowers, and families interacting with nature at my CSA pick up slot, I found inspiration for my art. The influence of this experience led me to focus on printing flowers, vegetable skins, and weeds, capturing the essence of the farm's vibrant ecosystem.

During my creative inspiring farm visits, I contemplated the history of the Pawtucket people who once inhabited this land. Their practice of periodically moving to new clearings, allowing their fields to rest and naturally renew nutrients through crop rotation, resonated with the sustainable farming practices employed today. This reflection prompted me to consider indigenous cultures in South America, my birthplace, and their potential similarities to the Pawtucket people. Read more, download here announcement brochure.

sandra mayo